Designing for Dementia: What to Think about When Creating Spaces for People With Memory Loss

Designing spaces for people experiencing dementia comes with specific and unique challenges. But before we start re-organizing, we need to think about how people with memory loss experience the world. Understanding this is the foundation for every design choice we make. First and foremost, dementia impairs our memory. The severity of memory loss depends on… Continue reading Designing for Dementia: What to Think about When Creating Spaces for People With Memory Loss

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Tips for Connecting with Someone with Memory Loss

Memory loss is a frustrating and challenging experience for both the individual who is affected and their loved ones. It can cause difficulties in communication, make it challenging to maintain relationships, and impact daily life. There are, however, several ways to connect with someone with memory loss and making that connection can help improve their… Continue reading Tips for Connecting with Someone with Memory Loss

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Keep the Holidays Happy

Helping Our Elders Avoid Seasonal Depression All of us at Aldersly Retirement Community would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year’s. I’m Ruth Vosmek, Secretary of the Aldersley Board, though prior to working in my current role as Coordination of Care Service Director at Kaiser Permanente, I was… Continue reading Keep the Holidays Happy

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5 practical tips to help you get started on downsizing

By Gilbert Carrasco, Executive Director From the time you set up your first home, life is a steady stream of acquiring possessions. It starts with household goods, furniture and lawn tools. Then along comes kids, and all the gear that goes with every growth stage. Somewhere along the line, you receive items from your parents.… Continue reading 5 practical tips to help you get started on downsizing

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Stay fit & stay mobile: How the two go hand-in-hand

By Rosanne Angel, Director of Sales and Marketing Recently, I asked Douglas, a 101-year-old Aldersly resident who walks without a cane or other mobility aid, what his “secret” is for staying so mobile. He immediately responded with one word: “Exercise!” Douglas starts his day doing floor exercises—giving him the boost he needs to get up… Continue reading Stay fit & stay mobile: How the two go hand-in-hand

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